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Are vegans healthier than meat eaters?

Our eating habits are a crucial component of our lifestyle. People usually pick their food preferences based on taste, nutritional value, their budget, and their social and moral beliefs.  Vegans tend to justify their diet according to the environmental impact that meat-eating has or the belief that veganism is healthier. Social issues aside, my focus will be on the nutritional aspect of veganism vs omnivorism.   What is a vegan?  A vegan mainly eats plant-based food and omits meat and all animal products e.g milk, cheese, and eggs from their diet.  What is an omnivore?  An omnivore eats an assortment of foods of both plant and animal origin.  Pros of veganism 1. Prevention of certain life-threatening diseases. Statistically, vegans are at less risk of severe diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. This is because vegan food contains less saturated fat. 2. Weight loss. This is also due to the fact that less saturated fat is consumed while ...

Fight Inflammation with Food

 When somebody is stung by a bee, the affected area becomes painful, swells up, and reddens. This is a common example of inflammation. Inflammation is an immune system response that acts as a trigger for white blood cells and repair molecules to start the healing process. We have all experienced inflammation at some point in our lives. Inflammation happens outside the body when we suffer from trauma such as cuts, stings, burns, muscle, injury, etc but inflammation also occurs inside the body in the same way when the tissue surrounding internal organs is injured.

Usually, when the healing is done, the inflammation subsides. But sometimes those repair mechanisms can go into overdrive and attack your normal tissues. In this instance, chronic inflammation and disease can occur. Every disease that ends with -itis is an inflammatory disorder. For example, gastritis, dermatitis, hepatitis, etc. 

These are many other diseases that have been linked to chronic inflammation, here are a few:

  1.  Heart disease ( hence why anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin are used to prevent heart disorders).
  2. Diabetes 
  3. Crohn's disease
  4. Cancer
  5. Skin diseases such as acne and eczema.

A lot of people do not realise that their body is inflamed until it's too late. The most certain way to measure inflammation levels is with a medical test by your physician. However, there are a few symptoms that could indicate chronic inflammation. 

  1. Chronic pain
  2. Persistent rashes with no obvious cause.
  3. Feeling tired all the time
  4. Digestive issues 
  5. Chronic headaches.


The food we eat can greatly influence our body's ability to activate and deactivate the inflammatory responses in our immune system appropriately. Food provides the building blocks for all molecules in the body. Therefore we need a balance of both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods to keep our body's disease fighting capability in check. The dilemma is that most of the food we eat today is pro-inflammatory. A diet rich in highly processed food, fast food, refined food, and sugar contributes to chronic inflammation. It is beneficial to adopt a lifestyle of eating more anti-inflammatory foods for overall health and well-being. 

It is important to be aware of any food sensitivities and allergies you have. If you are consistently eating food that you are sensitive too, you body will always be in attack mode and you put yourself at great risk of chronic inflammation.

If you experience symptoms of chronic inflammation or you have inflammatory conditions such as arthritis you should avoid these types of foods: 

And eat more of these foods: 

Food is not only fuel to the body; it provides us with nutrition to keep us healthy and well.  It gives us the material needed for cell renewal and regeneration.You literally are what you eat so it is vital to eat life-giving and nutritious food. 


  1. That is so true. That old saying, “ You are what you eat.” It’s very true

  2. That is so true. That old saying, “ You are what you eat.” It’s very true

  3. That is so true. That old saying, “ You are what you eat.” It’s very true

  4. Very good post. Highly informative. Keep up the good work.


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