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Are vegans healthier than meat eaters?

Our eating habits are a crucial component of our lifestyle. People usually pick their food preferences based on taste, nutritional value, their budget, and their social and moral beliefs.  Vegans tend to justify their diet according to the environmental impact that meat-eating has or the belief that veganism is healthier. Social issues aside, my focus will be on the nutritional aspect of veganism vs omnivorism.   What is a vegan?  A vegan mainly eats plant-based food and omits meat and all animal products e.g milk, cheese, and eggs from their diet.  What is an omnivore?  An omnivore eats an assortment of foods of both plant and animal origin.  Pros of veganism 1. Prevention of certain life-threatening diseases. Statistically, vegans are at less risk of severe diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. This is because vegan food contains less saturated fat. 2. Weight loss. This is also due to the fact that less saturated fat is consumed while ...

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